Santa Nella farmers begin strip-tilling silage corn

Aug 18, 2010
Ezequiel Correia Jr. and Sr. of Correia Family Dairy just north of Santa Nella, California, began strip-tilling their silage corn in 2009.

Their experience in that year showed enough promise for success that in May of 2010, they used a 6-row Unverferth Ripper Stripper to strip-till over 100 acres of corn ground prior to irrigating and planting. This implement allowed them to strip-till to a depth of about 14 inches which was deeper than the 8 or so inches that they achieved in 2009.

Ezequial Jr. spent considerable time and put much effort into optimally adjusting the Ripper Stripper and ended up staggering the two wavy coulters that follow the subsoiler parabolic shanks so as to allow better “flow of soil and residue” through the coulters and less balling up.

His measure of success for his 2010 strip-till fields will be 40 tons/ac of corn silage.

By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist

Attached Images:

Ezequial Correia, Jr.