Applications to the USDA NIFA AgrAbility Program due January 13, 2021

Oct 20, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

USDA NIFA is accepting applications to the Assistive Technology Program for Farmers with Disabilities AgrAbility Program due January 13, 2021.

The AgrAbility program works to increase the likelihood that farmers, farm workers and farm family members with disabilities, including veterans with disabilities, and their families who engage in farming, farm-related occupations, or are pursuing new farming opportunities, will experience success in agricultural production.

The FY21 RFA is soliciting applications for new SRAPs and a new National AgrAbility Project. NIFA anticipates that approximately $540,000 will be available for support of new State and Regional AgrAbility Projects (SRAPs) and approximately $531,000 will be available for support of a new National AgrAbility Project (NAP). The remainder of funds will be used to support 17 previously awarded SRAP awards eligible for continuation.

Applicants may propose projects with budgets not to exceed $180,000 per year for a maximum project duration of four years. The project period should begin approximately July 30, 2021.

For additional information and application requirements, please review the FY21 RFA:

Thank you.

Kathleen Nolan, Director, ANR Office of Contracts & Grants (OCG)


By Kathleen P Nolan
Author - Director