Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research - Seeding Solutions

Feb 21, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research is soliciting pre-proposals for their Seeding Solutions grant program. Seeding Solutions encourages the development of unique partnerships that support innovative and transformative research focused on one of our Research Priority Areas.

Projects should:

1) Contribute to the goal of sustainable food and agriculture.

2) Accelerate innovation within FFAR's Priority Areas (Innovation includes: Development of new technologies, Application and validation of new or emerging technologies, processes, or management strategies, Adaptation of existing technologies, processes, or management strategies for entirely new agricultural applications)

3) Fit within FFAR's Research Priority Areas:

  • Cultivating Thriving Production Systems: supports research that equips producers with information and tools to manage their enterprises efficiently and profitably, including animal and crop management practices
  • Sustaining Vibrant Agroecosystems: supports research that provides tools, technologies and integrative models at scales that allow producers to build and maintain healthy, productive agroecosystems under a changing climate
  • Bolstering Healthy Food Systems: supports research that provides food processors, distributors and retailers with the information and technology needed to create efficient and sustainable supply chains that deliver nutritious food to consumers

4) Demonstrate fully integrated partnerships with different sectors so research outcomes may be scalable and applicable to food and agriculture systems. The development of public-private partnerships is central to FFAR's vision and core mission.

5) Uphold FFAR's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by seeking unique perspectives through participatory stakeholder engagement and developing results to serve the diverse stakeholders committed to addressing challenges related to food supply and agricultural sustainability.

6) Serve the public good by making data open and accessible, creating unique economic development opportunities, or contributing to food and agriculture workforce development.


Visit the program web page at for more information on this funding opportunity.

To see their full list of open funding opportunities please visit:


Pre-proposals Due: April 3, 2024 2pm PT

Recommended Grant Amount: $300,000 to $1,000,000

Required Match: 1:1 match required. (Of that amount, the cash match portion must be at least 50%. Personnel effort is considered cash match per their guidelines.)


Thank you.

Kathleen Nolan, Director, ANR Office of Contracts & Grants (OCG)

By Kendra T Rose
Author - Senior Contracts & Grants Officer