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UC Cooperative Extension

Glenn County


Who is UC Cooperative Extension Glenn County?

UC Glenn County Logo
The University of California's 64 Cooperative Extension (UCCE) offices are local problem-solving centers. More than 400 campus-based specialists and county-based farm, home, and youth advisors work as teams to bring the University's research-based information to Californians. UCCE is a full partnership of federal, state, county, and private resources linked in applied research and educational outreach. UCCE's many teaching tools include meetings, conferences, workshops, demonstrations, field days, video programs, newsletters and manuals. Thousands of volunteers extend UCCE's outreach, assisting with the California 4-H Youth Development Program and Master Gardener Program.

2023-2024 2-Page Report

2023 Annual Report

Glenn County UC Cooperative Extension Annual Report 2023


2023-2024 Donor Campaign 

2023 Program Update

2022 Annual Report

2022 2-Page Report

2022-2023 Donor Campaign 

2022 Program Update


UCCE Newsletters

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UC Blog
UC Delivers
  • A New Vegetable Garden Increased Community Spirit

    The Eastside Neighborhood, one of the oldest residential areas of the City of Riverside, is also one of the poorest. More than half of the adults and almost a quarter of the teenagers were considered overweight in 2012 when Kaiser Permanente funded the Heal Zone Initiative to improve the community’s overall wellness through education and increased access to healthy local food. The Community Settlement Association (CSA), founded over 100 years ago to help immigrants from Mexico settle into Riverside, now provides social services and food distributions to the Eastside residents. The Association needed assistance to revitalize the existing garden to help residents have access to fresh produce.