UC Cooperative Extension
Glenn County
Who is UC Cooperative Extension Glenn County?
2023-2024 2-Page Report
2023 Annual Report
Glenn County UC Cooperative Extension Annual Report 2023
2023-2024 Donor Campaign
2023 Program Update
2022 Annual Report
2022 2-Page Report
2022-2023 Donor Campaign
2022 Program Update
UCCE Newsletters
For current and updated information about your specific industry, please subscribe to our newsletters to stay informed of local events and information
Contact Information
UC Cooperative Extension Glenn County
PO Box 697, 821 E. South Street
Orland, CA 95963
Phone: 530-865-1107
Fax: 530-865-1109
e-mail: glenn@ucanr.edu
County Director: Betsy Karle
The UC Cooperative Extension Office Hours are 8:00am-5:00 pm on Monday - Friday. Closed 12:00-1:00pm for lunch.
UC Blog
UC Davis Distinguished Professor Walter Leal Used to Dislike Insects
Entomologist Marlin Rice, who interviews "living legends" for the American Entomologist, a publication of the Entomological Society of America (ESA), uses a question-and-answer format in his popular Legends' column to connect with and draw...
Beyond Ready for STEM because of 4-H
Cody Dowdell, a California 4-H alumni, is in the STEM track at Modesto Junior College. He is expanding his understanding of engineering in particular – as an electrical engineering major. Cody credits 4-H as the foundation for where he is...
A 4-H Avian Bowl Championship Story
I traveled to Kentucky with my avian bowl teammates Zuzu Haring, Ean Ramirez, and Melanie Sechrist accompanied by our coach, Kitty Beckmann, and youth assistant coach, Ashley Porter. The day before the competition we arrived in Louisville. We listened...
UC Delivers
Business planning helps small farms in a challenging economy
Small-scale foothill farmers and ranchers are known for the quality of their products. However, excellent animal or crop production skills, hard work and dedication may not be sufficient to maintain an economically viable farm business. No matter how good their product, farmers and ranchers who lack the business and marketing skills critical to a viable small business may not be successful.