Bureau of Land Management California and Viticulture and Enology Proposals

Dec 5, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

1) The Bureau of Land Management California is soliciting proposals for collaborative projects with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities in order to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities through coordination, reducing the amount of hazardous fuels, and furthering the education of landowners about wildfire prevention and mitigation. These activities will assist BLM in addressing the effects of climate change by working to create resilient landscapes and communities, will create jobs, and it will help further conservation and restoration efforts by providing an opportunity to support planning and implementation of hazardous fuels reduction projects in wildland urban interface areas and education and outreach programs that help create fire adapted communities and resilient landscapes.

Program Strategic Goals:
1. Accomplish fuels management activities on federal and non-federal land.
2. Develop and implement fire education, training, and/or community action plans/programs.
3. Conduct Community Wildfire Protection Plans, community wildfire assessments, and planning activities.
4. Expand community capability to enhance local employment opportunities.
5. Develop and implement short and long-term monitoring and maintenance plans for hazardous fuels reduction, community fire education and training, and community action programs.

Visit https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/351288 for more information.

Applications Due: February 2, 2024 at 5PM

Recommended Grant Amount: between $50,000 to $5,000,000

Required Match: None

Project Duration: up to 5 years


2) Viticulture and Enology proposals are currently being solicited by CDFA, the American Vineyard Foundation, The California Grape Rootstock Improvement Commission, the California Grape Rootstock Research Foundation, and the Oregon wine Board.

CDFA Pierce's Disease and Glassywinged Sharpshooter Board (CDFA PD/GWSS Board) is supports research and outreach projects on the following serious pests and diseases of winegrapes:

  • Pierce's disease and its vectors, especially the glassy-winged sharpshooter
  • Brown marmorated stink bug
  • Grapevine fanleaf disease
  • Grapevine leafroll disease
  • Grapevine red blotch disease
  • Mealybug pests of winegrapes
  • Spotted lanternfly.

American Vineyard Foundation supports research priority projects that attempt to solve viticulture and enological problems, improve grape and wine quality, focus on sustainable strategies and provide pathways for dissemination of research results to the wine community.

California Grape Rootstock Improvement Commission and the California Grape Rootstock Research Foundation support grape rootstock research for the enhancement of the California viticulture and grape nursery industry.

Visit the CDFA Pierce's Disease & Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Board Research & Outreach Grants (https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/pdcp/grants/) and the Unified Grant Management for Viticulture and Enology web page (https://fps.ucdavis.edu/vit2) for more information.

Applications Due: January 31, 2024

Thank you.

Kathleen Nolan, Director, ANR Office of Contracts & Grants (OCG)

By Kathleen P Nolan
Author - Director