Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Addressing Childhood Obesity and Health Inequities Program

May 21, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is soliciting concept proposals for the Addressing Childhood Obesity and Health Inequities programThis program seeks to provide funding to projects that support, sustain, and evolve equity-oriented childhood obesity prevention, including efforts that promote systems-level change to prevent childhood obesity, address structural racism, and advance health equity. Special consideration is given to projects that:

  • Address structural racism and other systems that perpetuate health inequities.
  • Respond to gaps in evidence or action identified by the field.
  • Engage with communities most impacted by childhood obesity and nutrition insecurity and organizations focused on people of color.
  • Leverage and complement existing field assets (RWJF's and others').

Below four broader goals are highlighted in the Call for Proposals (CFP) as suggestions, but not as restrictive guidelines. Projects that cut across or go beyond these broader goals are also encouraged to apply.

  1. Influence Policy and Systems Change
  2. Produce and Disseminate Actionable Evidence and Data
  3. Catalyze Investment in Communities
  4. Change Narratives

Partnerships/ collaborations between two or more organizations; projects that engage and center communities most impacted by structural racism and other systems of oppression; and partnerships spanning state and community-level organizations are encouraged.

Interested applicants should submit a concept proposal of not more than 4 pages in length and a brief write-up on the organization and key partners by the concept proposal due date. Short listed applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal in August 2024.

Visit the program web page at IAAU&et_cid=2198117 for more information.

Concept Proposals Due: June 27, 2024, 12PM PT

Limited Submission: Universities can submit multiple proposals, however, RWJF is limiting proposal submissions to one per university department. Please double check with others in your unit before submitting.

Invitations to Submit Full Proposals: August 29, 2024

Full Proposal Due (Only by invitation): October 24, 2024, 12PM PT

Recommended Grant Amount: $3-$4 million, no less than $1 million

Duration: 1-4 Years

Required Match: No match required

Thank you.

Kathleen Nolan, Director, ANR Office of Contracts & Grants (OCG)

By Kendra T Rose
Author - Associate Director, Proposal Development Services