Olive Fruit Fly Trap Counts
Sacramento Valley Olive Fruit Trap Counts
2023 Olive Fruit Fly Monitoring Data
April 2023
Olive Fruit Fly Counts - April 2023
Historical OLF Trapping Data
2017 Historical Data can be found online at: https://www.sacvalleyorchards.com/blog/olives-blog/olive-fly-pest-report/.
- 2013 OLF Trapping (updated)
- 2012 OLF Trapping
- 2011 OLF Trapping
- 2010 OLF Trapping
- 2009 OLF Trapping
- 2008 OLF Trapping
- 2007 OLF Trapping
- Interactive Climate Maps for Olive Fly Management Decisions
- Olive Fruit Fly Guidelines 2006
- Olive Fly, Research and Outreach Effort Poster (for improved load time, save to computer then open)
- Controlling Olive Fruit Fly In Commercial Orchards (Text Only)
- Controlling Olive Fruit Fly In Commercial Orchards Final
- *2005 Backyard Olive Fruit Fly Brochure
- OLIPE Trap
- OLF Trapping Resources
- Olive Fly (OLF) Update 2004 For Table Olive Industry