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Contact Us


Betsy Karle

Betsy Karle Picture

Title: County Director

Phone: (530) 865-1156

Email: bmkarle@ucanr.edu

Responsibilities: Ensure that the county 4-H YDP conforms to: university policy; federal, state and local laws; safety and health regulations; affirmative action guidelines; and the mission, core values and educational objectives of the 4-H YDP.


Christine Kampmann

Christine Edited (1)

Title: 4-H Community Education Specialist

Phone: (530) 865-1100

Email: ckampmann@ucanr.edu

Responsibilities: Supports the youth of the 4-H program by encouraging youth leadership development and program growth. Advises volunteers to guide the youth in premier leadership development within program projects by providing support and training.


Lea Eddy

Lea Eddy Picture

Title:Office Manager/Administrative Assistant

Phone: (530) 865-1155

Email: ljeddy@ucanr.edu

Responsibilities: Front office duties and advisor and program support.


Jamie Marron

Jamie Marron

Title: 4-H Office Technician

Phone: (530) 865-1110

Email: jmarron@ucanr.edu

Responsibilities: 4-H program support.


Gail Harris

Gail Harris Picture

Title: Office Assistant

Phone: (530) 865-1107

Email: glharris@ucanr.edu

Responsibilities: Receptionist and advisor and program support.