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Orchard Facts

News, Updates and Articles On Orchard Crops In The Northern California Area.

Issue Articles Type Date Added
Third Thursday Things from the Field Meeting Announcement - Thursday, August 8, 2024

Join us for our August North Sac Valley 'Third Thursday Things from the Field'! Hear updates on management strategies for upcoming challenges and share what you’ve been seeing in the field.

Tour the recently planted walnut variety trial at the Chico State Farm and hear Dr. Pat J. Brown, walnut breeder with the UC Davis Walnut Improvement Program, present on the development of new walnut cultivars.

After Dr. Brown's presentation, we'll open the floor to discuss issues and concerns from the field for all tree crops. Bring your questions, observations, photos and more for an open forum with UCCE farm advisors, growers/orchard managers, consultants and other agricultural professionals. Lunch is generously sponsored by the California Walnut Board and Commission.

This is an in-person event. No virtual option is available.


  • Thursday, August 8, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


  • CSU Chico University Farm, 311 Nicholas C. Shouten Ln., Chico, CA

To register, visit: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=43339


Questions? Email Becky Wheeler-Dykes, UCCE Glenn Orchard Systems & Weed Ecology Advisor, at bawheeler@ucanr.edu, or call the UCCE Office at (530)865-11

PDF 7/22/24
Glenn County UCCE Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Pre-Harvest 2024

In This Issue:

  • Pre & Post Harvest Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • Timing Almond Harvest in 2024
  • First Hull Split Spray: Timing and Practice
  • Monterey Maladies and the Need for Careful Irrigation Management
  • New Staff Research Associate
PDF 7/18/24
Glenn County UCCE Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - Pre-Harvest 2024

In This Issue:

  • Pre-Harvest & Harvest Prune Orchard Considerations 2024
  • Phellinus wood rot, or “Why do my trees blow up at harvest?”
  • New Staff Research Associate
  • Making Money at Harvest
  • What are you doing for your orchard’s longevity?
PDF 7/18/24
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Glenn County - Summer 2024

In This Issue

  • Preharvest Orchard Considerations
  • Pest Reports Available Online
  • IPM on a Budget
  • New Staff Research Associate
PDF 7/11/24
Sacramento Valley Prune News - Spring & Early Summer 2024

In This Issue

  • Spring & Early Summer Orchard Considerations
  • The Big Three in Prunes
  • New UC Davis Prune Varieties Prove Promising
  • Save-the-Date for Spring 2024 Meetings
PDF 5/8/24
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Glenn County - Spring 2024

In This Issue

  • Walnut Management Considerations – Budbreak through Early Summer
  • New Advisor Introduction
  • Perspectives on Walnut Economics Panel Discussions: A Recap
  • Tree-Pull Program Update
PDF 5/8/24
Third Thursday Things from the Field Meeting Announcement - Thursday, May 16, 2024

Third Thursday Things from the Field Meeting Announcement - Thursday, May 16, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the UC Cooperative Extension Office, 821 E. South Street, Orland, CA 95963. Any questions, email Becky Wheeler-Dykes at bawheeler@ucanr.edu, or call the UCCE Office at (530) 865-1107. 



PDF 5/7/24
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter Glenn County - Spring & Early Summer 2024

In This Issue

  • Almond Management Considerations: Spring & Early Summer
  • Pest Management for Shothole and Scab
  • Naval Orangeworm Updates
  • Disease Management Decisions in Low-Income Year(s)


Nickels Soil Lab Annual Field Day Flyer

PDF 5/3/24
Glenn County UCCE Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - Bloom 2024

In this Issue: 

  • Bloom 2024 Prune Orchard Management Considerations
  • Bloom Weather and Prune Fruit Set: What we Know so Far.
  • Managing Aphids in Prune Orchards
  • Potassium Management Options in Prunes
  • New Advisor Introduction: Domena Agyeman
PDF 3/1/24
Third Thursday Things from the Field Meeting Announcement - Thursday, March 21, 2024

Third Thursday Things from the Field Meeting Announcement - Thursday, March 21, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the UC Cooperative Extension Office, 821 E. South Street, Orland, CA 95963. Any questions, email Becky Wheeler-Dykes at bawheeler@ucanr.edu, or call the UCCE Office at (530) 865-1107. 

JPG 2/27/24
Glenn County UCCE Sacramento Valley Almond Update - 2024 Emergency Use Section 18 Approval for Kasu

Almond Update - 2024 Emergency Use (Section 18) of Kasumin 2L Approved for Prevention of Almond Bacterial Blast

PDF 2/22/24
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter - Winter 2024

In This Issue

  • Orchard Meeting Save-the-Dates!
  • Walnut Winter Considerations
  • Dormancy Update
  • Fungicide & Herbicide Efficacy
PDF 2/6/24
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Pre-Bloom 2024

In this Issue: 

  • Pre-Bloom Through March: Almond Orchard Considerations
  • Efficacy of Hull Split Sprays vs. Sanitation for NOW Control
  • Wet Winter Concerns: Phytophthora and Waterlogging
  • Winter Sanitation Critical for Reducing Insect Pest Damage Risk to Almonds in 2023-2024
  • Preventing Bacterial Blast Damage in 2024
  • 2024 Sacramento Valley Orchard Meeting Save-the-Dates!
  • Fungicide Efficacy Tables
  • Herbicide Registration on Orchard Crops Table
PDF 1/26/24
Third Thursday Things from the Field Meeting Announcement - Thursday, January 18, 2024

Join us for our first North Sac Valley new meeting series! Third Thursday Things from the Field!

Hear updates on orchard management strategies for upcoming challenges and share what you've been seeing in the field. 


  • Thursday, January 18, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lunch generously sponsored by Colusa-Glenn Farm Credit.


  • UC Cooperative Extension, Glenn County Office, 821 E. South Street, Orland, CA 95963

To register, visit: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=41896

Questions? Email Becky Wheeler-Dykes, UCCE Glenn Orchard Systems & Weed Ecology Advisor, at bawheeler@ucanr.edu, or call the UCCE Office at (530)865-1107. 

PDF 12/6/23
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter Glenn County - Post-Harvest 2023

In this Issue: 

  • Post-Harvest Almond Orchard Considerations
  • Be Careful with Almond Variety-Rootstock Selection
  • Plant Cover Crops Now to Prepare for Another Wet Winter
  • Reality Check
  • Planning for a Big Crop in Tight Times
  • Bacterial Blast/Canker: What Do We Know?
  • 2024 Sacramento Valley Orchard Meeting Save-the-Dates!
PDF 10/11/23
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter Glenn County - Fall 2023

In this Issue:

  • Fall Prune Orchard Management Considerations
  • Canker Management After Pruning/ Hedging: Spray Now or Pay Later
  • Replanting Prunes Back into Prunes
  • Prune Brownline Alert
  • Gear Up, Throttle Down to Control Pests, Spray Drift, and Costs
  • New Orchard Advisor Introduction
PDF 10/11/23
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Glenn County - Fall 2023

In This Issue

  • Fall Walnut Considerations
  • Freeze Reminder
  • Cover Crops for a Wet Winter
  • Nematode Management in Walnut
  • Meeting Save the Dates
  • Trees-to-Tomatoes
  • Walnut Variety Trial Introduction
  • New Advisor Introduction
  • Sacramento Valley Orchard Source
PDF 9/14/23
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Pre-Harvest 2023

In this Issue: 

  • Pre & Post Harvest Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • NOW Hullsplit Spray Considerations
  • Don’t Neglect Your Boron
  • Spring 2023 Retrospective: Bacterial Blast
  • New Orchard Advisor Joins UCCE Sac Valley Team
PDF 7/21/23
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - Pre-Harvest 2023

In this Issue: 

  • Pre-Harvest & Harvest Prune Orchard Considerations 2023
  • Getting the Best Grower Returns at Harvest
  • Potassium Review
  • New Orchard Advisor Joins UCCE Sac Valley Tea,
PDF 7/10/23
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter - Summer 2023

In this Issue:

  • Summer Management Considerations
  • New Orchard Advisor Introduction
PDF 7/6/23
Sacramento Valley Prune News - Spring 2023

In this Issue:

  • Spring & Early Summer Orchard Considerations
  • Weather in 30 days after bloom helps plan thinning and harvest
  • Why thin prunes?
  • The most important task of the year
  • Twelve ways to ruin a prune orchard
PDF 5/16/23
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Spring 2023

In this Issue: 

  • Nickels Soil Lab Field Day
  • Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • Strategies for orchard weed management in hard economic situations
  • Navel Orangeworm Biofix in a Wet Spring
  • Dial-in spray coverage for cost-effective spraying
PDF 5/9/23
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Glenn County - Spring 2023

In This Issue

  • New Orchard Advisor
  • Walnut Management Considerations
  • Healthy Orchards with a Careful Approach to Irrigation
  • Thinking About Skipping or Shorting Nitrogen This Year?
  • Prioritizing Sprays When You Can’t Afford Them All
  • Strategies for orchard weed management hard economic situations.
  • Tree and Vine Crop Herbicide Chart
PDF 5/5/23
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Glenn County - Winter 2023

In This Issue

  • Walnut Winter Management Considerations
  • Vegetation for Infiltration
  • 2022 Walnut Crop Loss and Poor Nut Quality – What happened?
  • Winter Chill, Dormancy and Walnut Management
  • New Orchard Advisor
PDF 3/28/23
Sacramento Valley Prune News - Bloom 2023

In This Issue

  • Bloom 2023 Prune Orchard Considerations
  • Mechanical Pruning Trial in ‘French’ Prune – Through Year Four
  • Bloom weather and prune fruit set: what we know so far.
  • Fungicide Efficacy
PDF 3/23/23
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Pre-Bloom 2023

In This Issue:

  • Upcoming Meetings
  • Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • Vegetation for Infiltration
  • Disease Management in Tight Budget Year
  • Rootstock Selection to Increase Tree Health, Longevity, and
  • Yield
  • Almond Grower Meeting Agendas
  • North Valley Nut Conference Agenda
  • Almond Fungicide Efficacy
PDF 1/17/23
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Fall 2022

In This Issue:

  • Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • Management Practices for Improved Water Capture
  • 2022 Almond Season IPM Reflections
  • UC IPM Air Blast Sprayer on-line calibration course
  • Time for a Hard Look
  • Upcoming Orchard meetings
  • New IPM Advisor Introduction
PDF 10/21/22
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - Fall 2022

In This Issue

  • Orchard Considerations
  • Battle Back Against Cankers Before They Kill Your Trees!
  • New prune varieties show promise in reducing fruit drying costs
  • New IPM Advisor
  • Follow us on Twitter!
  • Are your friends getting the newsletter?
  • Listen to Growing the Valley Podcast
PDF 10/12/22
CDFA Programs! Grants available for all farmers and ranchers. PDF 9/12/22
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Glenn County - Fall 2022

In This Issue

  • Time for a Hard Look
  • Upcoming Orchard Meetings
  • Walnut Management Considerations
  • Six Steps to Prepare for the Next Sudden Autumn Freeze
  • New IPM advisor introduction
  • NOW pre & post-harvest
  • Follow us on Twitter!
PDF 9/12/22
Sacramento Valley Prune News - Postharvest 2022

In this Issue: 


  • UC Davis Breeding Program – 2022 Field Meeting
  • Orchard Considerations
  • Five Practices to Help Prevent Bacterial Canker
  • Late-season Irrigation Management in Prune
  • Pre-harvest Management of Brown Rot
  • Follow us on Twitter!
PDF 8/1/22
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Preharvest 2022

In This Issue

  • Almond Orchard Management Consideration
  • When do you shake almonds?
  • Protecting Sacramento Valley Waterways from Pyrethroid Exceedances
  • Is it time for a closer look at alternative nutrient sources?
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Listen to Growing the Valley Podcast
PDF 6/20/22
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Glenn County - Summer 2022

In This Issue

  • Walnut Management Considerations
  • Mid to Late-season Drought Strategies for Walnut Orchards
  • Managing Mold in Walnut, 2022 Update
  • New Staff Research Associate
  • Follow us on Twitter!
  • Growing the Valley Podcast
PDF 6/20/22
Almond Variety Trial & Irrigation Management Demonstration Announcement!

Next Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. there will be an Almond Variety Trial & Irrigation Management Demonstration at the Butte County trial site (CSU Chico Farm). For more information, visit: https://www.sacvalleyorchards.com/event/almond-variety-trial-irrigation-management-demonstration/.

PDF 6/17/22
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - Spring 2022

In This Issue

  • Orchard Considerations
  • New UC Davis Prune Varieties prove promising
  • Mechanical pruning trial in “French” prune.
  • The most important tasks of the year.
  • Adela Contreras
  • Follow us on Twitter!
  • Listen to Growing the Valley podcast!
PDF 5/26/22
Walnut Field Meeting Announcement



Growth and Yield Performance of Clonal ‘Paradox’ Walnut Rootstocks


Hands-on Workshop: Using a Pressure Chamber for Irrigation Scheduling


When: Thursday, June 9, 2022

Location:  Rd I, Butte City, CA

                        (39.474834, -121.980440, Look for the yellow UCCE signs)


8:30-9:00: Sign-in and refreshments

Refreshments courtesy of PMS Instrument Company and PressureBomb Express


9:00-10:00: Clonal ‘Paradox’ Walnut Rootstock Plot Tour

  • Discuss growth characteristics and yield performance of commercially available clonal ‘Paradox’ rootstocks and new clonal ‘Paradox’ genotypes developed by the University of California, USDA-ARS, and UCCE
  • Walk through replicated research plot consisting of ‘Chandler’ on eight rootstocks

Luke Milliron, UCCE Farm Advisor, Butte/Glenn/Tehama Counties

Janine Hasey, UCCE Farm Advisor Emeritus, Sutter/Yuba/Colusa Counties


10:00-11:30: Hands-on Pressure Chamber Workshop

  • Discuss using the plant-based pressure chamber for irrigation timing
  • Practice using the pressure chamber and learn how to interpret the results


Speakers include:

Luke Milliron, UCCE Farm Advisor, Butte/Glenn/Tehama Counties

Bruce Lampinen, UC Davis, Walnut Specialist

Ken Shackel, UC Davis, Plant Science Professor

Curt P

PDF 5/26/22
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Spring 2022

In This Issue

  • Almond Management Considerations: Spring & Early Summer
  • Irrigating Freeze Damaged Almonds in a Drought
  • Fertilizing Almonds after a Frost
  • Staff Research Associate Introduction
  • Follow us on Twitter!
  • Listen to Growing the Valley Podcast
  • Are your friends getting the newsletter?
PDF 5/11/22
UC Nickels Soil Lab Annual Field Day 2022 Meeting Announcement

Please see attached document for details on the Nickels Field Day 2022!

PDF 4/28/22
Updated Agenda & Directions for Wednesday/Thursday Prune Research Tour

Hi Folks, 


Please find attached an updated agenda for the two-day tour UC Prune Research Tour that will start tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM at the UCCE Sutter-Yuba office. 142 Garden Hwy, Yuba City, CA. Coffee and donuts provided! 


Contact: Franz Niederholzer (530) 218-2359 or Luke Milliron (530) 822-6999 with questions. 

Thanks to the CA Prune Board and Sunsweet for sponsoring. 





Luke Milliron 

UC Cooperative Extension Orchards Advisor 

Northern Sacramento Valley - Butte, Glenn, & Tehama Counties

Cell: 530.828.9666 (preferred communication method) 

Listen to my podcast! GrowingtheValleyPodcast.com

Blogs and events: SacValleyOrchards.com

Subscribe to my orchard newsletters!

PDF 4/12/22
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter - Spring 2022

In This Issue

  • Walnut Management Considerations
  • Walnut Blight Management Update
  • Selecting the Best Walnut Rootstock for Your Situation
  • Walnut Fungicide and Bactericide Efficacy Tables
  • Follow us on Twitter!
  • Tree and Vine Crop Herbicide Chart
PDF 4/5/22
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - March & April 2022

In This Issue

  • Almond Orchard Management Consideration
  • Potted tree irrigation after planting: Getting the first year right
  • Protecting Young Almond Trunks with Cartons
  • Late Winter to Early Spring is the Most Effective Time for Gopher Management
  • Weed management in young almond orchards
  • 2022 Almond Fungicide Table
PDF 3/17/22
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Fall 2021

In This Issue:

  • Sacramento Valley Tree Crop IPM Webinar
  • Walnut Freeze Webinar & Survey
  • Winter/Spring Sacramento Valley Tree Crop meetings
  • Fall Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • UCCE Central Valley Pistachio News
  • New Advisor Introduction
  • Climate & Management Considerations for Future Almond Orchards
  • Preparing for 2022
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Announcing the new UC Almond Cover Crop Best Management Practices
  • Listen to Growing the Valley Podcast!
PDF 11/3/21
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Glenn County - Fall 2021

In This Issue

  • Walnut Freeze Damage Survey
  • Tree Crop IPM Webinar
  • Walnut Freeze Webinar
  • Orchard Management Considerations
  • Five Steps to Prepare for the Next Sudden Autumn Freeze
  • Fall Walnut IPM
  • New Advisor Introduction
  • New UCCE Central Valley Pistachio News
  • Follow us on Twitter!
PDF 11/2/21
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - Pre & Post-Harvest 2021

In This Issue

  • Orchard Considerations
  • Getting the best grower returns at harvest
  • Fruits set, 2021. What happened?
  • Clean Up and Pruning – A Pruner’s Pocket Guide
  • For a healthy Orchard Next Spring, Follow Through on Late Season Irrigation
  • New Staff Introductions
  • 2021 Summer Field Meeting
  • Growing the Valley Podcast!
PDF 7/29/21
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - Pre & Post-Harvest 2021

In This Issue

  • Pre- & Post-Harvest Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • Almond Hull Split Spray Considerations in a Tight Fiscal Year
  • Ant Management
  • Maintaining Quality with Pick Up & Stockpiling Best Practices
  • Volunteers needed for UC Davis study on glyphosate & herbicide selections
  • Listen to the Growing the Valley podcast
PDF 7/23/21
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Glenn County - Summer 2021

In This Issue

  • Orchard Management Considerations
  • Drought Strategies for Walnut Orchards
  • 2020 Walnut Freeze: Road to Recovery
  • Managing Mold in Walnut
  • New Staff Research Associate Introduction
  • Growing the Valley Podcast
PDF 7/1/21
N. Sac Valley Walnut Newsletter - Freeze Update: Reporting the Damage
Hi Folks - 
Please see the attached "2020 Walnut Freeze: Reporting the Damage" article for information and reporting walnut freeze.
Luke Milliron 
UC Cooperative Extension Orchards Advisor 
Northern Sacramento Valley - Butte, Glenn, & Tehama Counties
Cell: (530) 828-9666 (preferred communication method)
PDF 6/24/21
UCCE Glenn County Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - Spring 2021

In This Issue

  • Orchard Considerations
  • Checking Cropload and Shaker Thinning Prunes
  • UCCE Statewide Prune Day Recording
  • New Staff Research Associate
  • Irrigating with lower quality water? What to consider first
  • Herbicide registration
PDF 5/13/21
Sacramento Valley Almond News - Spring 2021

In This Issue:

  • Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • Almond May Spray Considerations in a Tight Fiscal Year
  • Irrigating with lower quality water? What to consider first.
  • Lean Price Year Nutrient Management
  • New Staff Research Associate
  • Almond Herbicide Chart (Attached)



PDF 4/30/21
Walnut - Spring 2021

In This Issue

  • UCCE Virtual Walnut Series
  • Orchard Management Considerations
  • New walnut variety ‘UC Wolfskill’ released
  • Pulling the trigger for the start of irrigation in the spring: Too much too soon for walnuts?
  • New Staff Research Associate Introduction
  • Tree and Vince Crop Herbicide Chart – Updated 2021
PDF 4/2/21
Prune - Bloom 2021
In this issue:
·  Orchard Considerations
·  Mechanical Pruning of Prune Trees Update
·  Bloom Review, 2020
·  Prune Efficacy and Timing
PDF 3/19/21
2020 N. Sacramento Valley Almond Research Reports

Hi Folks - 

In January, after my variety evaluation presentation at the Sacramento Valley Almond Meeting, several people inquired about the final 2020 yields for the 30 experimental varieties at the UCCE almond variety trial held at the Chico State Farm. The folks at UC Davis triple checked the numbers, and confirmed the sky-high yields (e.g. 4,500 lbs./ac for Nonpareil). I will also be sending out my other 2020 reports for walnut and prune research, so that you know about the UC research going in the North Sacramento Valley.

Do you know folks who are missing news from UCCE because they aren't signed up for the electronic newsletter? Be sure to let them know to sign up at: ucanr.edu/buttenews, ucanr.edu/glennnews, or ucanr.edu/tehamanews. If you did not receive these reports, be sure to email me at lkmilliron@ucanr.edu and sign up via an e-newsletter link above.  

As always, the latest orchard information can be found at: sacvalleyorchards.com. I hope you are also listening to the weekly podcasts from Growing the Valley.  

The best way to contact me is to please call my cell (530) 828-9666. If I don’t answer, be sure to leave a voicemail, to push yourself to the top of my agenda!  





Luke Milliron 

UC Cooperative Extension Orchards Advisor 

Northern Sacramento Valley - Butte, Glenn, & Tehama Counties


PDF 3/8/21
Almond - Bloom 2021

In This Issue:

  • Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • Early Season Irrigation: Do We Know When to Start?
  • Hive Strength and Bee Health/Safety
  • Bloom Season Specific Sprayer Calibration Saves Money and Time
  • What New Research into Carbohydrates is Teaching us about California orchards
  • Almond Fungicide Efficacy
PDF 2/23/21
Walnut - Winter 2021

In this issue: 

  • UCCE Virtual Walnut Series
  • Walnut Winter Management
  • What new research into carbohydrates is teaching us about California orchards
PDF 2/8/21
Almond- October 2020

In this issue:

  • Allan Fulton, Irrigation/Water Advisor Retires
  • Post-Harvest Orchard Management Considerations
  • Orchard sanitation is key to a quality crop.
  • Almond Leaf Scorch


PDF 10/5/20
Prune- Fall 2020

In this issue:

  • Long Pruning Webinar
  • Save the Date! UC Prune Research Conference
  • Fall & Winter Prune Orchard Management Considerations
  • Cytospora: A Prune Grower’s Arch Nemesis
  • New UC Davis Prune Cultivars Prove Promising


PDF 10/2/20
Walnut- Fall 2020
In this issue:
  •  Advisor Farewell
  • Fall Walnut Orchard Management Considerations
  • Tree and Orchard Replanting Considerations in a Lean Price Year
  • Walnut Cultivar Table
  • Selecting the Right Clonal Walnut Rootstock for Managing Soil and Pest Problems
PDF 9/10/20
Prune- July 2020

In this issue:

  • Advisor Farewell
  • Pre-Harvest Prune Orchard Considerations
  • Pre– and Post-Harvest Irrigation Management in Prune
  • Prune Harvest Prep: Crop Maturity and Fruit Size Checks
PDF 7/14/20
Walnut- Summer 2020

In this issue:

  • Advisor Farewell
  • Pre-Harvest Walnut Orchard Management
  • Managing Mold in Walnuts
  • Ethephon in a Straggled Leaf-Out, Lean Price Year
  • Managing Walnut Orchards for Insect-Eating Birds



PDF 6/26/20
Almond- June 2020

In this issue:

  • Pre- & Post-Harvest Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • Hull Split Hull Rot Management
  • Maintaining Quality with Pick Up & Stockpiling Best Practices
  • Navel Orangeworm Management Considerations
  • Ant Management is Especially Important in a Heavy Crop Year


PDF 6/22/20
Almond- May 2020

In this issue:

  • Almond Management Considerations: Spring & Early Summer
  • Potassium Deficiency
  • Rootstock Trial for Boron Tolerance
  • Observations on Butte County Rootstock Trials
  • Hull Split Timing and Sprayer Practices for Best Pest Control Results
  • Advisor Farewell
  • Propiconazole (Tilt®, Bumper®, etc.) use Cancelled in the EU
PDF 5/1/20
Prune- May 2020

In this issue:

  • Spring & Early Summer Orchard Considerations
  • Thinning Prunes
  • Update on Rootstocks for Prune Production


PDF 4/30/20
Walnut- Spring 2020


  • UCCE Working Remotely
  • What Rootstock Would You Choose? Tell Us.
  • Orchard Management Considerations: Budbreak through Early Summer
  • Preparing for Extreme Events: Spring Frost
  • Irrigation with Roots in Mind
  • Walnut: Bactericide & Fungicide Efficacy (2020)
  • Herbicide chart update


Submitted by:


Luke Milliron

Orchards Systems Advisor

Butte, Tehama & Glenn Counties


View archived newsletter articles at: sacvalleyorchards.com

PDF 3/31/20
Almond- January 2020

In this issue:

  • Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • New EPA Paraquat Restrictions
  • Young Orchard Weed Management
  • Honey Bee Colonies, Pollination, Bee Safety, and Beekeeper Responsibilities
  • 2020 Sacramento Valley Winter Tree Crop Extension Meetings
  • Fungicide Efficacy Tables
  • Navigating Irrigation Technology (online only)


PDF 1/28/20
Prune- Spring 2020

In this issue:

  • Orchard Considerations for Bloom and Beyond
  • Young Orchard Weed Management
  • New EPA Paraquat Restrictions
  • Navigating Irrigation Technology
  • Prune Fungicide Efficacy Tables


PDF 3/5/20
Walnut- January 2020

In this issue:

  • 2020 Sacramento Valley Winter Walnut Extension Meetings
  • Winter Pest & Weed Management Considerations
  • Preparing for Extreme Events: Flood & Drought
  • Young Orchard Weed Management
  • New EPA Paraquat Restrictions
  • Pre-season Airblast Sprayer Calibration
  • Navigating Irrigation Technology Overload


PDF 1/27/20
North Valley Nut Conference 2020 Agenda

North Valley Nut Conference

January 21, 2020 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Glenn County Fairgrounds

221 E. Yolo St., Orland, CA.  95963

Pre-regiser online at: www.wcngg.com/register
To be entered into a drawing to win a FREE Traeger Pro Series Grill at the conference!

CE Credits Available:  DPR: 2.0 Hours  CCA: 3.0 Hours

PDF 1/16/20
Almond- October 2019

In this Issue:

  • Potassium Management for Sustained Almond Yields
  • Zinc and Boron Review
  • Fall & Winter Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • 2019 IPM Breakfast Meeting
PDF 10/15/19
Prune- Fall 2019

In this issue:

  • Newsletters are going online!
  • Post-Harvest Almond & Walnut IPM Workshop
  • 2019 IPM Breakfast Meetings
  • Fall & Winter Prune Orchard Management Considerations
  • Long Pruning for Greater Early Yields
  • Cytospora: A year-round fight
  • Increase Your Return on Investment with Post-Harvest Weed Scouting

This month's Prune Newsletter is brought to you by the Butte County Cooperative Extension!

PDF 10/15/19
2019 UC Almond Production Short Course

2019 UC Almond Production Short Course

Tuesday, November 5 - Thursday, November 7, 2019

Field Tour Friday, November 8

Visalia Convention Center, Visalia CA.

Contacts for more Information:

Kellie McFarland, (530)750-1259

Shannon Martin, (530)750-1328



*Continuing education credits available.  Please open flyer for more information.

*Registration fee increases October 22, 2019!*

PDF 10/11/19
October 2019 Glenn & Tehama IPM Breakfast Meeting Announcement

Friday, October 11, 2019, 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Join your local team of UC Cooperative Extension Farm & IPM Advisors to discuss current pest management and production issues in orchard crops. 

Space is limited - please RSVP to Emily Symmes at (530) 538-7201 or eisymmes@ucanr.edu by October 10th to let us know if you plan to attend. 

PDF 10/3/19
Field Meeting Announcement - Nickels Soil Lab


Thursday, September 12, 2019 – 8:00-9:00 a.m.

Nickels Soil Lab, Arbuckle, CA


Join Dani Lightle (UCCE Orchards Advisor; Glenn, Tehama, and Butte Counties) and Drew Wolter (UC Junior Specialist Intern and UC Davis Graduate Student) for a field meeting to observe how different trunk protection methods help mitigate herbicide damage to young almond trees. The meetings presentation/talk will be at the Nickels Soil Lab in Arbuckle (pin provided below) on September 12th from 8:00-9:00 a.m. Dani, Drew and/or Franz Niederholzer will be there for drop-in visits until noon if you can’t make the morning’s formal talk.

Meeting Details

Cost: Free

Date: September 12th 

Time: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

Dropped Pin: Field Meeting Location. Please enter the field site via Harrington Ave.


Any questions, contact: Drew Wolter: (805) 617-8217 or Dani Lightle: (530) 865-1107

PDF 9/5/19
Walnut - September 2019

In this issue:

  • Wishing a Fond Farewell
  • 2019 IPM Breakfast Meetings
  • Preparing for Extreme Events: Freeze and Fire
  • Increase your Return on Investment with Post Harvest Weed Scouting
  • Fall and Winter Walnut Management Considerations
  • Post-Harvest Almond and Walnut IPM Workshop Meeting Announcement
PDF 9/3/19
Prune August 2019 Newsletter

A new issue is available for Orchard Facts.

Prune- August 2019 Contents:

In this issue:

  • Delivering the Largest Fruit Possible
  • 2019 Canker Review
  • Pre-Harvest & Harvest Prune Orchard
  • 2019 IPM Breakfast Meetings
PDF 8/2/19
Almond- July 2019

In this issue:

  • Cover Crop Seed Selection
  • Summer-Fall Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • 2019 IPM Breakfast Meeting


PDF 7/15/19
Morning Meet-Ups Announcement

Morning Meet-Ups
Every other Thursday in May and June
(May 2, May 16, May 30, June 13, June 27)
7:30am – 9am

Berry Patch Restaurant
900 A Newville Rd, Orland, CA 95963

**No-Host Breakfast**

CCA credits will be offered if approved

PDF 4/26/19
Prune- Spring 2019

In this issue:

  • The Advantages of Tighter Spacing and Greater Light Interception in California Prune Orchards
  • Thinning Prunes
  • Prune Management Considerations: Spring - Summer
  • 2019 IPM Breakfast Meetings


PDF 4/25/19
Almond- April 2019

In this issue:

  • Hull Rot Management
  • Hull Split Timing and Sprayer Practices for Best Pest control Results
  • The Many Possible Causes of “Gummy Nuts” in Almonds
  • Pre- and Post- Herbicide Performance on Threespike Goosegrass in Tree Nut Orchards
  • Almond Management Considerations
  • 2019 IPM Breakfast Meeting


PDF 4/4/19
Walnut- April 2019

In this issue:

  • Walnut Blight Management 2019
  • Revisiting Your Codling Moth IPM Program in a Lean Crop Year
  • Pulling the trigger for the start of irrigation in the spring: Too much too soon for walnuts?
  • Orchard Management Considerations: Budbreak through Early Summer
  • Tree and Vine Crop Herbicide Chart
  • 2019 IPM Breakfast Meetings


PDF 3/29/19
2019 Almond Nutrient and Water Field Day

Please check out the attached flyer for the 2019 Chico Almond Nutrient and Water Field Day.

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Chico State University Farm - Pecan Orchard

311 Nicholas C Shouten Ln

Chico, CA.

(Directions attached to flyer.)

PDF 3/7/19
Almond- January 2019

In this issue:

  • North Valley Almond & Walnut Day Agenda
  • Wood Decay in Almonds
  • Protecting Honeybees at Bloom
  • Almond Bloom Diseases
  • Fungicide Efficacy and Timing Tables
  • Orchard Management Considerations
  • Early Season Irrigation


PDF 1/2/19
Prune- February 2019

In this issue:

  • Prune Day Agenda
  • Trends in World Prune Markets
  • Is this a Year to Skip Thinning?
  • Bloom Disease Treatments in Prune and Honey Bee Safety
  • Weed Management when Replanting Trees
  • Update on Heart Rot in Prunes
  • Orchard Considerations
  • 2019 Winter Prune Meetings


PDF 2/5/19
Walnut- January 2019

In this issue:

  • North Valley Almond & Walnut Day Agenda
  • Tracking Winter Irrigation Needs
  • Cost and Expense Considerations in a Lean Price Year
  • Scale Pests, Navel Orangeworm and Flatheaded Borers
  • 2019 IPM Breakfast Meetings
  • New Walnut Cost Study


PDF 1/2/19
October 2018 Glenn IPM Breakfast meeting

Friday, October 19th, 2018 at 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Join your local team of UC Cooperative Extension Farm & IPM Advisors to discuss current pest management and production issues in orchard crops.

PDF 10/15/18
Prune- Fall 2018

In this issue:

  • Pros and Cons of Mechanical Pruning
  • Cytospora
  • Fall/Winter Management Considerations
  • Post– Harvest Almond and Walnut IPM Workshop Announcement


PDF 10/12/18
Orchard Facts- Walnut September 2018

In this Issue:

  • Pruning with Bot Infections in Mind
  • Optimizing your Orchard Spacing
  • Impacts and Recovery on Walnuts from 2017 Flooding
  • Fall Orchard Management Considerations
  • Meeting Announcements


PDF 8/21/18
Orchard Facts- Almond June 2018

In this issue:

  • June Hull Rot Reminder
  • Monterey and the Leafing Failure
  • Irrigation Management for Hull Rot Control
  • School is out, and the grades are coming in: July Leaf Analysis
  • Pre- & Post-Harvest Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • IPM Breakfast Meeting Announcement


PDF 6/13/18
June 2018 IPM Breakfast Meeting


June IPM Breakfast Meeting

Glenn County


Friday, June 15th, 2018, 7:30am – 9:00am


Join University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Area IPM and Farm Advisors to discuss current pest management and production issues.


We will largely focus on orchards crops (but everything is on the table for discussion!). These meetings are open to all interested growers, consultants, PCAs/CCAs, and related industry. Planned topics for this meeting include (but not limited to!) updates on insect and disease activity and in-season management considerations.


Please contact Emily Symmes to request additional topics or bring your questions to the meeting!

 ** DPR and CCA hours approved (1.5 other)**


June meeting will be held at Berry Patch Restaurant (900 Newville Rd, Orland, CA)


Space is limited – please RSVP to Emily Symmes at (530) 538-7201

or ejsymmes@ucanr.edu by June 13th to let us know you plan to attend.

PDF 6/11/18
Orchard Facts- Walnut June 2018

In this issue:

  • Early Walnut Tree Training: How to Handle Different Nursery Products
  • Leaf Symptoms of Overwatering Walnut Trees
  • Walnut Orchard Management: June—August
  • Meeting Announcement: Early Walnut Tree Training & Use of Pressure Chamber
  • Walnut Short Course— First Announcement


PDF 6/7/18
Nickels Soil Lab Annual Field Day


Tuesday, May 8, 2018, 8:30 am — 12:15pm

Marine Ave, Arbuckle, CA

0.75 hr PCA CE credits requested; 2 hours CCA CE credit requests

  • Overview of navel orangeworm management
  • Band canker management
  • Frost protection in almonds
  • Almond flower biology
  • Basic Bee Biology 101
  • Ceratocystis canker: diagnosis and management
  • Using real time physiological data to guide irrigation scheduling
  • What are we learning from orchard biomass (chip and mix) studies?
  • BBQ Tri-Tip Lunch by reservation

Click link inside for agenda, map, and lunch reservation form.

PDF 4/24/18
Orchard Facts- Walnut March 2018

In this issue:

  • A new Tool in the Fight Against Blight
  • 2018 Winter and Early Season Irrigation Considerations in Walnut
  • Tree and Vine Herbicide Chart
  • 2017 Flood Damaged Trees -Research Results and What to do this Spring
  • Orchard Management Considerations


PDF 3/13/18
Prune Notes - March 2018

In this issue:

  • Dry, Warm Winter Raises Questions about Irrigation
  • Thinning Prunes
  • Evaluating New Rootstocks: What’s the Latest?
  • Fungicide Efficacy Tables
  • New Hazard for Interplanted Orchards
  • Prune Bloom Orchard Management Considerations
  • Meeting Announcements


PDF 2/27/18
Orchard Facts- Almond Feb. 2018

In this issue:

  • How is Band Canker Infecting Young Trees?
  • Navel Orangeworm Considerations
  • Honeybees & Bloom Sprays
  • Missing the Target: Why you Should Irrigate Potted Trees Directly onto Potting Media
  • When is Peach Twig Borer a Concern?
  • Bloom Orchard Management Considerations
  • Meeting Announcements


PDF 2/1/18
2018 Butte-Glenn-Tehama Walnut and Almond Day

New Meeting Announcements!

Butte-Glenn-Tehama Walnut and Almond Day
Wednesday, January 31st, 2018
Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, Chico
Walnuts: 8:30am – noon   Lunch: noon – 1pm   Almonds: 1:15 – 4:45pm

 Hosted by: Dani Lightle– UCCE Glenn Orchard Advisor &

Luke Milliron– UCCE Butte Orchard Advisor


Tehama County Walnut Meeting

February 2nd, 2018

Red Bluff Elks Lodge, 355 Gilmore Road

Red Bluff, CA 96080

Meeting Sponsors:  UCCE– Tehama Co., Tehama Co Ag Commissioners, Chuck Crain– Crain of California



PDF 1/5/18
November 2017 Post Harvest IPM Meeting Agenda

Here is a quick announcement for you!

PDF 11/9/17
Orchard Facts- Walnut September 2017

Here is an updated version of the September Walnut Newsletter.

PDF 10/27/17
Orchard Facts- Almond October 2017

In this issue:

  • Update on Yellow Monterey Almond Trees
  • New Pesticide Labels Available to Help Control Pruning Wound Infections
  • Gophers Kill Trees
  • Bacterial Spot: A Dangerous Disease
  • Almond Orchard Management Checklist: Post-Harvest and Dormancy
  • Upcoming UCCE Almond Meetings


PDF 10/9/17
Orchard Facts- Prune July 2017
  • New Farm Advisor Introduction
  • Root Asphyxiation (Waterlogging)
  • Bacterial Canker in the Sacramento Valley
  • Advances in Cytospora Canker Management
  • July and August Prune Management Considerations


PDF 7/11/17
Orchard Facts- Almond June 2017

In this issue:

New Farm Advisor Introduction

· Varieties and Bacterial Blast During Bloom

· Approaches to Spider Mite Management in Almonds

· Navel Orangeworm Update

· Yellowing Trees on K86 Following a Wet Spring

· Pre- & Post– Harvest Management Considerations

PDF 6/13/17
Orchard Facts- Almond April 2017

In this issue:

  • Waterlogged Orchards
  • Correction: When to Apply the First Irrigation?
  • Nutrient Deficiencies in a Wet Spring
  • April Showers bring Yellowing Krymsk
  • Bloom Review: 2017
  • Almond Management Considerations
  • Nickels Soil Lab Annual Field Day Agenda

 Submitted by:

Dani Lightle

PDF 4/14/17
Orchard Facts- Walnut April 2017

In this issue:

  • Walnut Blight Management
  • Flooded Orchards: What To Do
  • Monitoring Codling Moth In and Near Mating Disruption Orchards
  • IPM Breakfast Meetings Announcement
  • Managing Bot Canker & Blight: Research Updates
  • Orchard Management Considerations: Budbreak to Early Summer
  • Field Meeting Announcements


PDF 4/3/17
Orchard Facts- Prune March 2017

In this issue:

  • Crop Load Adjustment (Thinning Prunes)
  • Options for Bad Weather at Bloom
  • Fungicide Efficacy Tables
  • Bloom Orchard Management Considerations


PDF 2/17/17
Orchard Facts- Walnut January 2017
  • NOW Update
  • New: Monthly IPM Breakfast Meetings
  • 2017 UCCE Walnut Meetings
  • Agenda: Butte/Glenn County Almond & Walnut Day
  • Counting Winter Chill


PDF 1/30/17
Orchard Facts- Prune Oct 2016
  • Food for Thought When Planting a New Prune Orchard
  • Potted Tree Irrigation After Planting: Getting the First Year Right
  • Fall Prune Orchard Management Considerations Following a Light Crop
  • Preliminary Observations for New Prune Rootstocks
  • Prune Industry Summit 2017


PDF 10/14/16
Orchard Facts- Almond Oct. 2016

Here is the Pdf version of the Orchard Facts- Almond Newsletter for October 2016.

My apologies for the first issue.  It was not in Pdf format.

PDF 10/11/16
Orchard Facts- Almond Oct. 2016

In this issue:

  • Potted Tree Irrigation After Planting
  • Fall Zinc and Boron Review
  • Visit the Sac Valley Orchard Source Event Calendar
  • Leaf Rust of Almond
  • 2016 Almond Production Short Course
  • Pocket Gopher Management
  • Post-Harvest Considerations


PUB 10/11/16
Orchard Facts - Prune July 2016 PDF 7/19/16
Orchard Facts - Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter July 2016 PDF 6/30/16
Orchard Facts - June 2016 Almond Newsletter PDF 6/21/16
Water Newsletter & Meeting Announcement - May 2016 PDF 5/26/16
Orchard Facts May 2016 - Almond PDF 5/9/16
Orchard Facts - Prune Newsletter - May 2016 PDF 4/27/16
Spring 2016 Walnut Newsletter PDF 3/23/16
Walnut Day Reminder JPG 2/23/16
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter
  • Key to Navel Orangeworm Management - NOW is the Time
  • Pruning Under the Threat of Bot
  • New Walnut Cost Study
  • Training Young Walnut Trees: Minimum Pruning vs. No Pruning Compared
  • Upcoming UC Walnut Meetings


PDF 1/21/16
Orchard Facts - Almond Newsletter - January 2016
  • Butte/Glenn Almond Institute Agenda
  • El Niño Rains and Pruning Don’t Mix
  • Frost Protection
  • Wet or Dry, Get Ready
  • Krymsk 86 in Cool, Wet Conditions
  • Pre-Bloom Almond Orchard Management considerations
  • Upcoming Almond Meetings


PDF 1/13/16
Orchard Facts - Prune Newsletter - November 2015 PDF 11/3/15
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter
  • Navel Orangeworm in Walnuts


  • Using Ethephon for Earlier Harvest


  • Preparing Young Walnut Trees for Winter


  • Late Summer and Fall Orchard Management Considerations


PDF 8/20/15
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter
  • Weak Areas in Orchards


  • 2015 Navel Orangeworm Update


  • Non-infectious Bud Failure Management


  • Almond Canopy Cankers


  • Why are Some Trees Yellow and not Growing?


  • Pre-Harvest Orchard Management Considerations


PDF 7/23/15
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter


  • Predicting an Early ‘French’ Harvest


  • Blue Prune


  • Prune Cracking


  • Pre-Harvest Practices to Consider


PDF 7/23/15
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter

Warm postbloom weather = early harvest?

How hot was it at bloom, 2015?

Drought strategies for California prune production

Crop load assessment and adjustment

N budgeting following the 4 Rs

Prune orchard management activities May through July

PDF 4/30/15
Orchard Facts - Almond Newsletter - April 2015



  • Navel Orangeworm in 2015
  • Almond Scab
  • Band Canker
  • N Budgeting Following the   Four Rs
  • In-season Almond Orchard Management Considerations
  • Nickels Field Day, May 6th



PDF 4/20/15
Orchard Facts - Walnut Newsletter - Spring 2015

Advances in Walnut

Production Course


Walnut Orchard

IPM Activities


Walnut Blight



Preventing Walnut Scale

and Botryosphaeria

Canker and Blight


PDF 3/16/15
Orchard Facts - Prune Newsletter - February 2015

South Sacramento Valley Prune Meeting - March 4

Prune Orchard Activities - February to May

Heat at Bloom Update

Honey Bee Safety During Prune Bloom

Pesticide Safety Train the Trainer Workshops

Fungicide Treatment Timing and Efficacy Tables

PDF 2/24/15
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter
  • Butte & Glenn Counties Almond Institute agenda
  • Winter & bloom orchard management
  • Rootstock trial for boron tolerance
  • Honeybee safety during bloom
  • Bacterial spot of almond in CA
  • Winter sanitation for NOW control
  • California Almond Sustainability Program
  • Fungicide efficacy and timing
  • Save the date!


PDF 1/9/15
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter
  • Butte & Glenn County Walnut Day Meeting Agenda


  • Walnut Orchards Planted in 2014 - What to do now?


  • Walnut Year-Round IPM Plan and Winter Orchard Pest Management Activities


  • Save the Date - Upcoming Walnut Meetings


PDF 1/9/15
Orchard Spraying Field Meetings

Orchard Spraying Field Meetings coming up!

PDF 10/23/14
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter PDF 10/6/14
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter

Fall Orchard Considerations October 2014

PDF 10/2/14
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter
  • New UC Walnut Budding, Grafting, and Planting Video Released
  • Black Mushy Walnut Hulls - Possible Causes
  • Orchard Removal and Site Preparation for Walnuts
  • How to Avoid Freeze Damage in Young Walnut Trees
  • Fall Orchard Management Considerations
  • Glenn County Residents Asked to Report Well Problems


PDF 9/18/14
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter
  • Scale Identification and Lifecycles in Walnut Orchards
  • Walnut Husk Fly Trap and Low Volume Spray Study Update
  • New IPM Advisor Introduction
  • New Farm Advisor Introduction
  • Irrigation Management Tools for Developing Walnut Trees
  • Advisor Retirement – Thanks!
  • Meeting Announcement: Nitrogen Management in Orchard Crops


PDF 7/1/14
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter
  • Leaf Analysis and Salinity Monitoring 
  • New IPM Advisor Introduction 
  • New Farm Advisor Introduction 
  • Navel Orangeworm Management—2014 
  • Research Reveals the Core Components of Optimum Almond Production 
  • Advisor Retirement - Thanks! 
  • Meeting Announcement: Nitrogen Management in Orchard Crops



PDF 6/23/14
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter
  • Chill Model Comparison - Why Two Models Judged Last Winter Very Differently 
  • Scouting for Spider Mites in Prunes 
  • New IPM Advisor Introduction 
  • New Farm Advisor Introduction 
  • Deficit Irrigation for French Prune 
  • Advisor Retirement - Thanks! 
  • Meeting Announcement: Nitrogen Management in Orchard Crops



PDF 6/19/14
Quickbooks® in Agriculture - June 19

Don’t Know Where to Start?

Is it the Right Small Business Accounting Software for Your Operation? Join us for an Introductory Interactive Overview of QuickBooks® Use for Agricultural Enterprises with Plenty of Time for Questions and Answers


PDF 6/4/14
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter

New UCCE Farm Advisor Introduction

Foliar Nutrient Sprays: a Quick but Short Term Correction for Nutrient Deficiencies

Insect Activity, Spring 2014

Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Almonds

Irrigation Management

Nickels Soil Lab Annual Field Day



PDF 4/24/14
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter

Irrigating French Prune During a Drought

New Advisor Introduction

How Hot was it at Bloom, 2014?

Efficient Nitrogen Management in Prune Production

Prune Aphids in Spring and Summer

Low Chill Hours?


PDF 4/21/14
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter

California Walnut Research

New Farm Advisor Introduction

Understanding and Managing Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis Canker and Blight in Walnut

Watch for Early Insect Activity

Perspective on Trends in

Orchard Spacing, Pruning and Potential Disease

Springtime Recovery from

Winter Freeze Damage



PDF 4/9/14
Walnut Field Meeting

Understanding & Managing Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis Canker and Blight in Walnut - April 2, 2014

Training Young Walnuts

Irrigation Scheduling and Drought Management Strategies Meeting - May 6



PDF 3/24/14
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter

Prune Growing Meeting - March 7

Prune Fungicide Efficacy

March Orchard Activities

PDF 3/3/14
Orchard Facts January 2014

Almond Institute and Walnut Day - February 12

Tehama Walnut Day - February 7

Tehama Prune Day - February 21

Prune Notes

Almond & Walnut Notes


PDF 1/27/14
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter

Navel Orangeworm Management - 2013

Almond Hull Rot - Cultural and Chemical Management

Alternaria Leaf Spot and Leaf Rust of Almond

Water Management for Almond - in-season, harvest and post-harvest

Pre-harvest Almond Orchard Nutrition

PDF 7/22/13
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter

Irrigation Management Tools for Developing Walnut Trees

Walnut Husk Fly Trap Study

Howard Nut Drop

Ethephon Use Considerations in the Sacramento Valley

PDF 7/22/13
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter

Blue Prune Drop and Leaf Scorch

Earlier Harvest in 2013?

A Tough Year for Cankers


PDF 7/22/13
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter

Almond Varieties

Crown Rot and Pruning Wound Cankers

New Video: Managing Almond Pests Using the Year-round IPM Program

Tying Young Trees

Navel Orangeworm Pressure?

PDF 5/1/13
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter

Orchard Irrigation 2013

Tissue Sampling for Leaf Analysis


Efficient Nitrogen Management


How Hot Was it at Bloom?


PDF 5/1/13
Orchard Facts - Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter

2013 Walnut Blight Management

Spacing Walnuts for Optimum Light

Guidelines for Handling Potted Walnut Clonal Rootstock Plants

New Walnut Variety 'Solano' Released

PDF 4/3/13
Winter Orchard Meetings

Almond Institute/Walnut Day

Prune Day

Walnut Day




PDF 1/24/13
Irrigation and Nutrient Management Workshop for Orchard Crops

December 5, 2012

Corning Veteran's Hall

1620 Solano Street, Corning

PDF 11/28/12
October 2012

Sacramento Valley Almond, Walnut and Prune Newsletter

PDF 10/25/12
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter - July 2012

In This Issue

Retirement and New Positions

Orchard Management Impacts on Walnut Quality

Anthracnose in Walnut Update

2012 Walnut Blight

New Walnut Cost Study

PDF 8/1/12
Sacramento Valley Almond/Prune Newsletter - August 2012

In This Issue

Advisor Retirement/New Positions

Alternaria Leaf Spot and Leaf Rust of Almond

New Almond Cost Study for the Sacramento Valley

2012 Navel Orangeworm

Why are Some Individuals Trees Turning Yellow, are Weak, or Not Growing?

Coping with Rain at Harvest

Sizing Prunes at Harvest

Managing Prunes Through Harvest

Distinguishing Between Branch Dieback Disorders

New Prune Manual

PDF 8/1/12
Sacramento Valley Almond/Prune Newsletter
  • Nickels Field Day
  • Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Almonds
  • Almond Pruning Wound Cankers
  • Almond Fungicide Timing and Efficacy Tables
  • When to Thin and Why
  • Crop Load Assessment and Adjustment
  • Get What You Pay for With Fertilizers
  • New Almond and Walnut
  • Cost of Production Studies


PDF 4/11/12
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter
  • Heat at Bloom Update
  • It’s Your Money
  • Mobile Irrigation Lab
  • Fungicide Timing and Efficacy Tables
PDF 2/29/12
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter - February

Walnut Blight Management
Mobile Irrigation Lab
Training and Pruning Young Walnut Trees
Tools for Weed Management Decisions
Walnut Pruning Field Meeting

PDF 2/29/12
Sacrameno Valley Almond Newsletter - January 2012
  • Butte-Glenn Walnut Day & Almond Institute
  • South Sacramento Valley Winter Almond Meeting
  • Almond Board Sustainability Workshops
  • Guidelines for Planting Almonds
  • Pruning and Training Young Almond Trees
  • Winter Irrigation
  • Focus on Bees, Colony Stremgth and Health
  • Orchard Sanitation
PDF 1/23/12
Almond/Walnut Day Announcement

Annual AlmondWalnut Day
February 1, 2012

PDF 1/12/12
Sacramento Valley Almond Issue - October 2011
  • Observations on Krymsk 86 Rootstock
  • A Short Review of Three Micronutrients: Zinc, Manganese and Iron
  • Review of Navel Orangeworm Control Research in Almond
  • Gopher Control
  • Alternaria Leaf Spot and Leaf Rust of Almond
PDF 10/26/11
Sacramento Valley Walnut/Prune Newsletter - September 2011


The Science (and Art) of Ethephon Use on Walnut
Additional Ethephon Use Considerations in the Sacramento Valley
Considerations When Replanting Individual Trees in a Walnut Orchard
How Traps are Used to Monitor Walnut Husk Fly
Walnut Huller and Dehydrator Food Safety (GMP) Checklist
Useful Websites Related to Walnut Production


New Prune Rootstock Research is Underway
Considerations When Removing Prune Orchards
Prune Orchard Fertility Review: Focus on the "Key 3"
Prune Research Reports Now Available on the Internet

PDF 9/22/11
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter - July 2011

Howard Nut Drop

Codling Moth - The 2011 Season

Movento® (Spirotetramat) as a Nematicide

Update on New Walnut Varieties Forde, Gillet and Sexton

Preparing Young Walnut Trees for Winter

PDF 8/1/11
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - July 2011 - Corrected

Rotation Crops and Intercrops taht Do Not Increase Nematode Pests
New Changes in Aluminum Phosphide Labels
Herbicide Resistant Weed Survey
Using Leaf Tissue Analysis for Almond Nutrition
Understanding and Applying Information From a Soil Test: Salinity

PDF 7/27/11
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - July 2011

Managing Fruit Brown Rot and Prune Rust
Blue Prune Drop and Leaf Scorch
Bloom Time Temperatures Compared to Fruit Set Set in 2011
Update on Spotted Winged Drosophila in Prunes
When Will Harvest Start in 2011?

PDF 7/19/11
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - April 2011

Understanding and Applying Information From a Soil Test: Part 4

Bacterial Blast

Handling Late Planted Trees

Determining Sprayer Speed in the Field

Nitrogen Contribution From Irrigation Water

PDF 4/21/11
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - April 2011

Using Urea Efficiently
In-Season Potassium Fertilization Options for Prunes
A New Season - When to Begin Irrigation and How Much Water to Apply?
Crop Load Assessment and Adjustment
Crop Load Evaluation Field Meeting

PDF 4/27/11
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter - March 2011
  • Incidents of Walnut Scale are Increasing
  • Walnut Blight Management Using Bud Population Information
  • Early Season Ground Squirrel Management
  • Section 18 for Manzate Flowable and Pro-Stick Fungicide
  • Frost/Weather Forecasting Resources
  • Clonal Paradox Walnut Rootstocks and Pest Interactions Update
  • Ivanhoe Walnut Blight Update
PDF 3/17/11
Orchard Facts - February 2011 - Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter

Springtime Disease Control
Simple Jar Test – How to Evaluate Spray Compatibility
Waterlogged Orchards
Implementing Frost Protection





PDF 2/24/11
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - February 2011

Maximizing Grower Profit in Tough Times


Sutter/Yuba Prune Day

Encouraging Prune Size and Quality

Frost Protection

High Temperatures at Bloom Reduces Fruit Set

PDF 2/18/11
Almond Walnut Day PDF 1/24/11
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - November 2010

Almond Board Conference

Hull Rot Review

Fall Nutrition Management

Understanding and Applying Information from a Soil Test

Why Dormant Spray Almonds?

Looking Back at 2010 Leaf Diseases

PDF 11/17/10
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - October 2010

Scale Pests in Prune Orchards

Prune Out Cytospora Cankers to Reduce Disease

Fall Spray for Prune Aphid Management

Using High Oil Rate Before Bloom: Why Do It?

PDF 10/7/10
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter - September 2010

Preparing Young Walnut Trees for Winter

Controlling Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in Orchards with Rely

Using Ethephon to Accelerate and Enhance Harvest in 2010

Potassium Deficiency in Walnuts

Why Are Some Individual Young Walnut Trees Turning Yellow and Not Growing?

PDF 10/7/10
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - July 2010 What Can You Do Now To Produce The Largest Prunes Possible? Field Sizing French Prune Managing Fruit Brown Rot in Prunes Spotted Winged Drosophila: New Damaging Pest in Prunes? PDF  
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter - July Almond Tree Blow-Over Problems “Biofix” for Almond Worm Pests Delivering a Clean Crop Verticillium Wilt in Almonds Understanding and Applying Information from a Soil Test - Part 2 PDF  
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter - June 2010 Walnut Husk Fly Meeting Orchard Management Impacts on Walnut Quality Codling Moth Management New Early Harvesting Cultivar “Ivanhoe” Local Observations Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis Cankers of Walnuts 2010 Walnut Dehydrator Workshops PDF  
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - April 2010 Prune Crop Load Assessment Eriophyid Mites Can Damage the Growth of Young Prune Trees In-season Prune Aphid Control July - Time for Prune Leaf Analysis Prune Rust Management Plan PDF  
Sacramento Valley Almond Newsletter Nickels Field Day Biofix for Oriental Fruit Moth, Peach Twig Borer, and Navel Orangeworm Commercial Almond Nutrition Program at Nickels Soils Lab Pacific Spider Mite Control at Hull Split in Almonds A Comparison of Several Methods for Controlling Pocket Gophers Understanding and Applying Information From A Soil Test PDF  
Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Managing Phytophthora in Walnuts Comparing Retain® and Hold™ for Reducing PFA and Increasing Yield in ‘Serr’ Walnuts Winter Freeze Damage - Spring Recovery Spring Frost? Walnut Blight Management Update Walnut Blight Control Experience Over 20 Years Walnut Research Reports are Available On-line PDF  
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter Bacterial Canker & Blast in Prunes Heat at Bloom Prune Out Cytospora Cankers Prunes Need Honey Bees Bloom Brown Rot Management Prune Day Agenda PDF  
Almond/Walnut Day Flyer Details of the Upcoming Almond/Walnut Day PDF  
Home Orchard Pruning Workshop January 16, 2010 PDF  
October 2009 Hand and Mechanical Pruning Comparisons for French Prunes Zinc as an Orchard Management Tool Late Fall, a Time For Potassium Soil Applications World Prune Situation Sutter/Yuba Ag Spray Field Meeting PDF  
July 2009 Walnut Newsletter Fast Facts about Ethephon Use on Walnuts Continue Watching for Aphid and Spider Mite Infestations Crown Gall Treatment Best Management of Replant Alternative Fumigants Managing Codling Moth in Walnuts Using Pheromone Mating Disruption Field Day PDF  
Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter - July 2009 What Can Ypu Do Now to Produce the Largest Prunes Possible? Harvest Timing for Sutter Fruit Brown Rot Management for Prunes Gopher Control - Better Late Than Never! Wrapper Burn PDF  
May 2009 Walnut Newsletter Soil Testing and Analysis: What to Expect in the Report Kaolin Particle Film Application for Walnut “Good Neighbor Program” Compatibility between Codling Moth Control Methods Walnut Scale PDF  
April 2009 Nickels Field Day Announcement PDF  
April 2009 Steps for Producing Large Prunes Irrigation with Reduced Water Supplies Prune Aphids in Spring/Summer Making Money Growing Prunes in 2009 Temperatures 30 Days After Bloom May Influence Fruit Size PDF  
Orchard Facts - February 2009 Sutter/Yuba Prune Day Announcement Walnut Dehydrator Workshops PDF  
Orchard Facts - February 2009 Winter Irrigation for Sacramento Valley Prunes Hand and Mechanical Pruning Comparisons for French Prunes What to Do If It's Hot During Prune Bloom Brown Rot Blossom and Twig Blight and Preventing Fungicide Resistance Oil Burn in Prunes PDF  
Walnut Day & Almond Institute Meeting Notice for Upcoming Walnut Day and Almond Institute PDF  
December 2008 Managing Walnuts for Cold Temperatures Winter Irrigation During Drought Guidelines for Planting Walnuts Pruning Tips for One & Two Year Old Trees Manex - The Rest of the Story 2009 Walnut Grower Meeting Schedule Newsletters Available Electronically PDF  
October 2008 Reducing Blow-Over Risk in Prune Manipulating Prune Bloom to Manage Risk of Heat at Bloom Maintaining Adequate Potassium Nutrition Pre-bloom Aphid Management Effective Timings and Materials for Prune Aphid Control PDF  
Orchard Facts - August 2008 Sacramento Valley Walnut Newsletter Cover Crop Seeding Demonstration Managing Walnut Harvest for Quality Site Preparation for Walnut Planting Fumigation Guidelines Planting a Successful Annual Reseeding Cover Crop Why Are Some Individual Young Walnut Trees Turning Yellow and Not Growing? PDF  
Orchard Facts - July 2008 Field Sizing French Prune Sutter Harvest Parameters Estimation of Harvest Date in the Sac. Valley Managing Fruit Brown Rot in Prunes Blue Prune Drop and Leaf Scorch PDF  
June 2008 - Walnut Codling Moth Pheromone Disruption Meeting Codling Moth Management Walnut Husk Fly Be Watching for Spider Mites or Aphids July - Time for Leaf Analysis Walnut Grower Referendum Newsletters Available Electronically PDF  
April 2008 Nickels Field Day Making Money Growing Prunes in 2008 Crop Management for Dried Plums Using Spring Weather Data to Predict Harvest Date for "Improved French" Prune Spring Irrigation PDF  
March 2008 - Walnut New Walnut Rootstocks and Pest Interactions Walnut Blight Control Spring Fertilization for Walnuts Managing Pistillate Flower Abortion in Walnut with ReTain Guidelines for Care of Young Walnut Trees Newsletters Available Electronically PDF  
March 2008 Sacramento Valley Prune Newsletter What To Do If It's Hot At Bloom - 2008 Brown Rot Blossom and Twig Blight Brown Rot Fungicide Resistance Management Considerations for In-Season Nutrition of Prunes New Dried Plum/Prune Varieties Available for Planting PDF  
February 2008 Yuba/Sutter Prune Day PDF  
September 2007 Nematode Problems in Prune Production Pruning and Training Prune Trees Fall Spray Controls Prune Aphid the Next Season – Fall, 2007 PDF  
Orchard Facts - July 2007 Irrigation Management - Pre/Post Harvest Prunes Need Honey Bees Cytospora Management Prune Harvest Timing PDF  
Orchard Facts May 2007 Prune Crop Control Early to Mid Season Irrigation Considerations Related to Fruit Quality World Prune Outlook Spray Drift Management Using Spring Weather Data to Predict Harvest Date for "Improved French" Prune PDF  
Orchard Facts April 2007 Nickels Lunch Reservation Form PDF  
Orchard Facts Nickels Field Day PDF  
Orchard Facts March 2007 Checking Your Annual Report Card PDF  
Orchard Facts Statewide Prune Day PDF  
Orchard Facts Statewide Pistachio Day PDF  
Orchard Facts Almond/Walnut Day PDF  
September 2006 Prune Aphids: Life Cycles and Over Wintering Biology Fall Spray Controls Prune Aphid the Next Season PDF  
July 2006 Prune Harvest Timing Glyphosate Resistant Ryegrass in California and Resistance Management Considerations Blue Prune Drop and Leaf Scorch Preharvest Pest Management Irrigation Management Pre and Post Harvest PDF  
May 2006 Prune Orchard Irrigation Summer Nutrition/Leaf Sampling Web-spinning Spider Mites Summer Diseases: Rust and Fruit Brown Rot PDF  
May 2006 Nickels Field Day Announcement PDF  
Walnut Day & Almond Institute 2006 PDF  
October 2005 PDF  
September 2005 PDF  
April 2005 Nickels Field Day PDF  
February 2005 UCCE Statewide Prune Day Frost Control Suggestions Planting Deciduous Trees Fungicide Treatment for Bloom and Leaf Disease in Almonds and Prunes - Material Efficacy and Timing PDF  
January 2005 Walnut Day/Almond Institute PDF  
May 2004 Nickels Field Day IPFP Field Day Risk Management Seminars Prune Handbook Available Crop ET Data PDF  
February 2004 UCCE Statewide Prune Day PDF  
January 2004 Butte/Glenn Almond/Walnut Day Off Type Chandlers Almond Rejects - 2003 in Review Almond Orchard Sanitation Dormant Season Pest Management Planning the Future of Cooperative Extension New Almond and IPM Manual PDF  
May 2003 Prune Pest and Orchard Management Short Course PDF  
May 2003 Almond Pest Management Alliance Spring Field Meeting PDF  
April 2003 Nickels Estate Field Day, Water Budget Irrigation Scheduling, Newsletters Available Electronically, Weather and Evapotranspiration Data Available PDF  
February 2003 Sutter/Yuba Dried Plum Day Advances in Codling Moth Management for Walnuts, Apples, Pears PDF  
May 2002 Almond Pest Mgt. Alliance Meeting PDF  
April 2002 25th Annual Nickels Field Day Registration Sheet PDF  
April 2002 Glenn County Surface Water Stewardship Workshop PDF  
February 2002 42nd Biennial Statewide Dried Plum Day PDF  
January 2002 Edition 2 Walnut Day & Almond Institute Program and Registration Form PDF  
January 2002 Butte/Glenn Almond/Walnut Day Controlling Prune Aphid IPM for Almonds PDF  
November 2001 Orchard Dormant Spray Meeting PDF  
April 2000 CIMIS Weather Data IPM Update Water Budget Irrigation Scheduling PDF  
July 1999 Blue Prune Drop and Leaf Scorch Union Mild Etch of Almond Prune Harvest Timing PDF  
October 1998 Precautions for Using Potassium Chloride Branch Wilt of Walnuts PDF  
July 1998 Irrigating Young Trees Leaf Analysis IPM Update PDF