New Youth Member
Welcome to 4-H! To enroll in Glenn County 4-H, please follow the steps listed below.
Steps to Enroll a New 4-H Youth
Step 1: Enroll in https://4h.zsuite.org/ or complete a paper enrollment packet
ZSuite 4-H Member-Volunteer Enrollment Tip-sheet 6.30.24
Each youth member will be required to enroll in at least one 4-H club and one project. See the Community Clubs Section at: https://ceglenn.ucanr.edu/Glenn_County_4-H_Program_286/Community_Clubs/ for more information on club meetings and projects offered. Some clubs have specific age and project requirements. Therefore, you should contact the UCCE Office to see what clubs are available or contact the club's Key Leader for your youth before making a project selection.
If you are having trouble with the enrollment system, please contact the UCCE Office at (530) 865-1107 or email glenncounty4h@ucanr.edu.
If you need a paper enrollment packet (i.e. you have no Internet access) please download the following forms and submit completed forms to the Glenn County UCCE Office. The UCCE Office has them printed and available.
Paper Enrollment Forms
2024-2025 4-H Youth Enrollment Packet
2024-2025 Spanish 4-H Youth Member Enrollment Packet
Step 2: Pay the member enrollment fee to the UCCE Office.
- Turn in your ($70 by September 16, 2024, or $80 after September 16, 2024) enrollment fee to the UCCE Office (by check or cash or via credit card on our website) before your enrollment is reviewed and made active for the new year!
You may not begin participating in 4-H activities until both steps have been completed.
You may access your 4-H system at any time of the year to change what projects you are enrolled in, update your health information, etc.
If you have any questions about enrolling a new youth member, please contact the Glenn County UCCE Office at 530-865-1107.