Why should I earn this award?
Public speaking skills are very important in today’s world. You can learn to plan and prepare a presentation, speak before groups with self-esteem and confidence, share the skills and knowledge you have learned in 4-H with others, promote 4-H in your community, and show what skills 4-H has taught you.
How can I earn this Award?
- Give a presentation at least five (5) times during the program year with an audience of at least eight (8) people. Some examples of locations to present your presentation are at club meetings, project meetings, a qualifying county event, county presentation day, sectional presentation day, service clubs, school classrooms, senior citizens groups, etc. If using the same presentation for the Fair Exhibition Requirements, remember that the subject of the presentation must be directly related to the project being exhibited at the Glenn County Fair. If a member is exhibiting an ABA project as well as a livestock animal, the member can choose a presentation for either project.
- Presentations given to neighbors, relatives, or friends DO NOT
- All application forms will be checked to ensure that your presentation was given five (5) times and met all requirements. You must give your presentation at the County Presentation Day to qualify for the 5 Presentation Award.
- You MUST have a signature from each group verifying that your presentation was given with the total number of people in the audience. Complete your application and turn it in to the UCCE Office by Monday, June 30, 2025.
Glenn County 4-H Five Presentation Award Information and Application 2024-2025
Applications are due no later than Monday, June 30, 2025, to the Cooperative Extension Office or drop box. Incomplete applications without all the signatures will not be accepted. Please read all the instructions carefully. You can also mail the application to: Glenn County Cooperative Extension, P.O. Box 697, Orland, CA 95963.