Emerald Star Ranking

Emerald Star Rank Award 2024-2025
The Emerald Star is added to the Star Rank Program to give all 4-H members the opportunity to serve their clubs, county and/or community without applying for the County Ambassador Team. This is a star rank awarded for a plan of leadership in the 4-H program or in the community. It will be presented at the Star Awards event. Completed projects will include an oral and written report.
Minimum qualifications - All 4-H members are eligible to apply for the historical, Glenn County 4-H Emerald Star Rank award if all of the following are true:
- Be 13 years old or older by December 31, 2024.
- Have met the requirements of a Gold Star or hold the rank of a Gold Star.
- Present a plan of proposed leadership to be offered on a multi-club basis, county, or area level in the community, during the following year.
- Be prepared to handle any financial costs to complete the plan.
The Plan
Your plan and goal can cover virtually anything. You may want to propose ideas for a new program or develop a new project, event, activity, or enhance an existing project with new supplements that you develop. To successfully execute your plan, be sure to consider your plan in terms of time, money, and energy involved. Especially consider school activities and the amount of time you have. Also, consider whether or not the resources needed are available.
The plan must adhere to the following criteria:
- Must benefit others (not just the applicant)
- Emerald Star applicant must interface with Glenn County members/leaders, and can involve community resources in developing and completing the Emerald Star Project.
- Emerald Star Project must be appropriate for the applicant.
The application, both plans, and the guidelines for the final report are included with this letter. Please turn in each one in the order stated above to the UCCE Office. If a plan is not accepted, a member of the 4-H Council Executive Board will contact you with ideas to improve it.
For team projects, each member must submit an Application, Preliminary Plan, and Plan of Work outlining his/her contributions to the project. They should not be identical applications. Outline specific responsibilities to be done by each member.
Final Report

The Final Report may be submitted in any form as long as it contains the following:
- Documentation of your completed project, including successes and obstacles, resources used, and any other items that document your project.
- A statement of completion from a 4-H leader acquainted with your project.
- Newspaper clippings, photographs, etc. (optional)
- The final report may be written or in a power point form, etc. Most forms of documentation can be used (be creative), but if the project is not documented clearly, you may have to redo it.
If you have questions, please call the Glenn County UCCE Office at (530) 865-1107.
Glenn County 4-H Emerald Star Rank Guidelines and Application 2024-2025
Glenn County 4-H Historical Emerald Star Project Evaluation 2024
Mail, Email, or Hand Deliver the Application to:
UC Cooperative Extension, Glenn County
Mail to: P.O. Box 697, Orland, CA 95963
Drop off: 821 E. South Street, Orland, CA 95963
Email: glenncounty4h@ucanr.edu