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County Presentation Day


Presentation Day 2024-2025

Friday, February 7, 2025

Willows Intermediate School, 1145 W Cedar Street, Willows

Tentative Event Schedule

  • 5:30 p.m.  Orientation for Evaluators and Room Coordinators 
  • 6:00 p.m.  Youth Presenters to Arrive
  • 6:30 p.m.  Presentations to Begin
  • T.B.D         Presentation of Awards 

Event Information Sheet

The 2024-2025 Presentation Day Information Sheet will be available soon!

Glenn County 4-H Presentation Day Information Sheet 2024-2025


Event Map

Event map coming soon! 


What is a 4-H Presentation?

A presentation is a method used to communicate an idea by showing and/or telling. It can be a demonstration or a talk that uses posters and other visual aids. 

4-H Presentation helps you learn to:

  • Research a subject
  • Organize ideas in a logical order
  • Be a teacher and practice public speaking skills


Matrix of UC 4-H Presentation Formats Image

Additional Presentation Matrix Addendum


Who can give a Presentation?

All 4-H'ers are encouraged to prepare a presentation to share their knowledge, enhance their public speaking skills and compete for awards.


How to Prepare for a Presentation?

A presentation may be a Demonstration/Illustrated Talk, Science or Engineering Presentation, Educational Display Talk, Impromptu Speech, Informative or Persuasive Prepared Speech, Interpretive Reading, Share the 4-H Fun Skits, Cultural Arts, Infographic, and Video Essay.

When selecting a topic be sure you are familiar with the topic or have an interest in the topic. It is important to start to prepare your presentation and practice weeks in advance.

Be sure to complete the survey as detailed and accurately as possible by the registration deadline. 

Presentation Planning Worksheet - Selecting A Topic & Planning


Google Slides Conversion Help

Google Slides Conversion Help Image


Attend the 2024 - 2025 Glenn County 4-H Presentation Prep 101 and 201 Workshop

Presentation Day Prep 101 and 201 Workshops

Join us for the 2024 - 2025 Glenn County 4-H Presentation Prep 101 and 201 Workshop at the UCCE Office. This year we will provide Presentation Prep 101 and a NEW Presentation Prep 201.

Presentation Prep 101: Building a Presentation. This workshop is designed to help participants develop the foundational skills needed for planning a successful presentation. Key takeaways include: 

  • Choosing a presentation topic.
  • Informing participants on the various types of presentations.
  • Choose which format is best for you and your topic.
  • Discuss what to expect at the Presentation Day Event on Friday, February 7, 2025. 

The Presentation Prep 101 Workshop will be held Wednesday, January 7, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at the UCCE Office located at 821 E. South Street in Orland. 


Presentation Prep 201: Enhancing your Presentation and Communication Skills. In this workshop, participants will build confidence by learning techniques and skills to improve their presentation. Key takeaways include:

  • Focus on improving your prepared presentation. Participants will have the opportunity to practice delivering their presentations and receive feedback. 
  • Enhancing storytelling to connect with audiences.
  • Designing visuals and content for clarity and engagement.
  • Managing Q&A sessions with confidence and professionalism.

The Presentation Prep 201 Workshop will be held Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at the UCCE Office located at 821 E. South Street in Orland. 


CA 4-H Presentation Manual

California 4-H Presentation Manual 2021-2022 - Revised 1.28.2021









CA 4-H Presentation Manual Addendum 

UC 4-H Presentation Manual Addendum - Revised August 10, 2021









What Awards are Given?

Primary members (5-8 years old) will not be evaluated, but given positive feedback, and all will receive participation awards.

At the event, you will compete with other 4-H members by age divisions for awards.

Gold Presentation Pin Award
Blue Pin Award for Presentation
Awards available include gold medal, blue medal, or a red or white certificate.




  • Carell Kolousek Memorial Award Plaque

Presentation Carell Kolousek Memorial Plaque for Top 4-H Demonstrator
The "highest" scoring presenter will have their name engraved on the Carell Kolousek Memorial plaque.




  • A. W. Bramwell Memorial Award Plaque

Presentation Best Beginner 4-H Demonstration Award Plaque
The A. W. Bramwell Memorial Plaque is engraved with the name of the best beginner presenter. This special award is for Junior Members giving an evaluated demonstration at the county level for the first time. Former primary members who have given previous presentations are eligible.



  • Perpetual 4-H Club Demonstration Trophy

Presentation Club Award Trophy
The 4-H Club with the highest presentation points will have their name added to the Perpetual 4-H Club Demonstration Trophy. Clubs will earn points as follows:

The % of club members who give presentations

Plus 5 points for each gold medalist

Plus 3 points for each blue medalist

Plus 2 points for each older member evaluating or emceeing the event

Plus 2 points for each primary member participating


What if I cannot make the County Presentation Day?

If you cannot make it to the Glenn County 4-H Presentation Day you will need to complete the Glenn County 4-H Presentation Form 2024-2025 if you are giving a presentation at any event/location other than the Glenn County Presentation Day. Please refer to the Glenn County 4-H Fair Exhibition Requirements. Please sign with all the appropriate signatures and turn it into the UCCE Office by Monday, April 14, 2025.


Presentation Options/ Requirements:

    1. Present at a Club Meeting or Project meeting. (With permission of the appropriate leader)
    2. Present at a qualifying county event, other than County Presentation Day.
    3. Present at service clubs, school classrooms, senior citizens groups, etc. (Presentations given to neighbors, relatives, or friends DO NOT count.)
    4. Must have an audience of at least eight people.
    5. The presentation must be related to the project being exhibited at the Glenn County Fair. If a member is exhibiting an ABA project as well as a livestock project, the member can choose a presentation for either project.

Glenn County 4-H Presentation Form 2024-2025



Evaluators & Room Coordinators

What to Expect as an Evaluator


5 Presentation Award Guidelines & Application

The Five Presentation Award is a medal given to a 4-H member who has presented their 4-H presentation five or more times during the program year, which must include presenting at the Glenn County 4-H Presentation Day. 

How can I earn this award?

  1. Give a presentation at least five (5) times during the program year with an audience of at least eight (8) people. Some examples of locations to present your presentation are at club meetings, project meetings, a qualifying county event, county presentation day, sectional presentation day, service clubs, school classrooms, senior citizens groups, etc. If using the same presentation for the Fair Exhibition Requirements, remember that the subject of the presentation must be directly related to the project being exhibited at the Glenn County Fair. If a member is exhibiting an ABA project as well as a livestock animal, the member can choose a presentation for either project.
  2. Presentations given to neighbors, relatives, or friends DO NOT
  3. All application forms will be checked to ensure that your presentation was given five (5) times and met all requirements. You must give your presentation at the County Presentation Day to qualify for the 5 Presentation Award.
  4. You MUST have a signature from each group verifying that your presentation was given with the total number of people in the audience. Complete your application and turn it in to the UCCE Office by Monday, June 30, 2025.

Glenn County 4-H Five Presentation Award Information and Application 2024-2025